Planning your special day is so exciting however it can also be a stressful time, so it’s important to look after yourself.
We hear from our brides that one of the areas that makes them most anxious is being centre of attention. One thing is for sure - you will be centre of attention and you should be prepared to embrace it.
Before the day
Talk about how you feel with your partner, close friends, family or/and experts. As they say a problem shared is a problem halved! Once you have discussed your concerns everyone can help you through it - everyone loves you and wants you to enjoy your day. Decide which guests are going to be your 'go to' people on the day, these are known as ‘special guests’ when things are getting too much go to them for a change of conversation and reassurance. Ask your venue to do a wedding rehearsal - this will help you be prepared and you can visualise the ceremony step by step.
On the day
Take some ‘you’ time moments, listen to some calming music, take deep breaths - think about experiences that make you happy and calm. When walking down the aisle focus on your partner - after all, the day is all about the two of you. Smile, smile and smile again - smiling can make you look confident even if you aren’t feeling it, and it makes everyone smile with you. Keep speaking to your ‘special guests’ whenever you need them, it doesn’t matter if this is once or a hundred times - relax and be you. Your wedding day will go so quickly - enjoy every minute. Take a moment every hour to stand back and watch from afar - you will take in so much and see things that will give you memories for a lifetime.