Getting married in church and then having your wedding breakfast at a village hall or hotel was often the tradition years ago. The meal that followed the wedding ceremony - known as the ‘wedding breakfast’, is traditionally from the wedding ceremony which was held after mass. The whole wedding party would fast before mass and so for the newlyweds this was their first meal. Today the name is kept as ‘wedding breakfast’ a reminder that this is the first meal for the married couple together.

Couples are now considering what ceremony they wish to serve their wedding breakfast at and what is really important to them... We have chatted to a number of our ‘brides to be’ who are thinking differently about their wedding ceremonies.
The recent pandemic has restricted celebrations but more and more we are see couples having bespoke weddings in their family gardens or local fields with a relaxed, boho chic, festival feel. We love hearing how everyone is planning their weddings so differently and adapting original plans. One thing is for sure the wedding dress is still one of the main areas of focus for the day. Whether that’s a big cathedral ballgown or a strappy boho style everyone wants their individual unique style to shine through regardless of plans changing.
What do you have planned for your wedding day? Or what wedding day did you have? We would love to hear from you please comment below and on our social posts, we’d love to know :)
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